Should we be concerned that we will outgrow this new building in the near term?

Given that MSBA’s formulas employed at the time of our entrance into the MSBA process allow us to build for a population of 1250 students, should we be concerned that we will outgrow this new building in the near term (say within the next 15-20 years) such that we will, as a community, be forced into building an extension onto this new building at substantial additional cost in the near term?

The new Sharon High School enrollment and square footage are negotiated with and set by the MSBA as we progress through the design and construction modules. The MSBA process does not allow “extra” classrooms to be built in anticipation of future growth. The MSBA utilizes a growth factor when right sizing the new school. The school is designed utilizing the MSBA Space Summary Guidelines and square footage allowed by statute. The Architect, during the design process, will evaluate and plan for future expansion in the upcoming design phases.